The annual spelling bee competition has just begun and is stirring excitement in an academic way. 

The spelling bee was scheduled to commence on Friday 15th of may 2023 however, commenced in grand style on Thursday 18th May, 2023 due to updates made to the process at managerial and committee levels. The spelling bee competition is to happen in the lower and upper primary levels, giving every learner equal and a fair chance at the grand prix. 

Eyes are on last year's spelling Bee winners, M. Adiella for lower primary and C. Davina for upper primary. Fingers are crossed as Adiella who was in grade three(3) when she bagged number 1 speller for the 2021/2022 session for lower grade is now to face the champion for upper primary section who was then in grade 4 but now in grade 6 after scaling through a double promotion exam. Will Davina make it through this time? or be proven to be beatable by Adiella? while these questions and a few others rumble on our minds we take into observation the fact that we have the most academically competitive atmosphere here in Christabel schools, so we expect it to not be an easy ride but one experience we won't be very quick to forget. 

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